Source code for pyinfer.inference_report

import multiprocessing as mp
import signal
import statistics
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from time import perf_counter, perf_counter_ns, sleep, time
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Union

import psutil
from tabulate import tabulate

from .errors import (

def quantiles(data, *, n=4, method="exclusive"):
    Monkey patched quantiles function from statistics package
    present in python >= 3.8 as quantiles() isn't available for python 3.7.x
    if n < 1:
        raise StatisticsError("n must be at least 1")
    data = sorted(data)
    ld = len(data)
    if ld < 2:
        raise StatisticsError("must have at least two data points")
    if method == "inclusive":
        m = ld - 1
        result = []
        for i in range(1, n):
            j = i * m // n
            delta = i * m - j * n
            interpolated = (data[j] * (n - delta) + data[j + 1] * delta) / n
        return result
    if method == "exclusive":
        m = ld + 1
        result = []
        for i in range(1, n):
            j = i * m // n  # rescale i to m/n
            j = 1 if j < 1 else ld - 1 if j > ld - 1 else j  # clamp to 1 .. ld-1
            delta = i * m - j * n  # exact integer math
            interpolated = (data[j - 1] * (n - delta) + data[j] * delta) / n
        return result
    raise ValueError(f"Unknown method: {method!r}")

[docs]class InferenceReport: "A model agnostic report of inference related stats for any callable model"
[docs] def __init__( self, model: Callable, inputs: Any, n_seconds: Union[int, float, None] = None, n_iterations: int = None, exit_on_inputs_exhausted: bool = False, infer_failure_point: Union[int, float, None] = None, model_name: str = None, drop_stats: List[str] = None, ): """ Args: model (Callable): The callable method or function for the model. inputs (Any): The input(s) parameters the model receives. n_seconds (Union[int, float, None], optional): Number of seconds to run model inferences. If this is `None` it is expected that `n_iterations` will be set. Defaults to None. n_iterations (int, optional): Number of iterations to run model inferences for. If this is `None` it is expected that `n_seconds` will be set. Defaults to None. exit_on_inputs_exhausted (bool, optional): If inputs are a iterable of inputs exit on completion. This feature is not yet implemented. Defaults to False. infer_failure_point (Union[int, float, None], optional): Time in seconds (int or float) at which an inference is to be considered a failure in the reporting stats. Defaults to None. model_name (str, optional): The name to give to the model for the report. Defaults to None. drop_stats (List[str], optional): List of keys to drop from the report. Defaults to None. Raises: ModelIsNotCallableError: Will raise if the model provided is not callable. MeasurementIntervalNotSetError: Will raise if neither `n_seconds` or `n_iterations` are set. """ if not isinstance(model, Callable): raise ModelIsNotCallableError( "The model provided is not callable. Please provide a model that has a method call." ) self.model = model self.inputs = inputs self.exit_on_inputs_exhausted = exit_on_inputs_exhausted self.infer_failure_point = infer_failure_point self.drop_stats = drop_stats self.runs = [] if model_name: self.model_name = str(model_name) else: self.model_name = "Model" if not n_iterations and not n_seconds: s = "You have not specified either `n_seconds` or `n_iterations`." s += " Please specify a valid measurement interval." raise MeasurementIntervalNotSetError(s) if n_iterations and n_seconds: s = f"You have set both `n_seconds={n_seconds}` and `n_iterations={n_iterations}` " s += f"only one can be specified per instance. Defaulting measurement interval to `seconds={n_seconds}``" warnings.warn(s) self.n_seconds = n_seconds self.n_iterations = None else: self.n_seconds = n_seconds self.n_iterations = n_iterations self.terminated = False
@contextmanager def _timeout(self, duration: int): "Creates signal to terminate execution once `duration` seconds have passed" def timeout_handler(signum, frame): self.terminated = True signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler) signal.alarm(duration) yield signal.alarm(0)
[docs] def run(self, print_report: bool = True) -> dict: """ Runs the inference report for `self.model` with input(s) `self.inputs` Args: print_report (bool, optional): If true a table representation of the report will be printed to console. Defaults to True. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing all the report stats created during the run. """ iterations = 0 runs: List[datetime.timedelta] = [] total_time_taken = 0 failed = 0 completed = 0 if self.n_seconds: with self._timeout(self.n_seconds): while not self.terminated: start = perf_counter_ns() * 1e-9 self.model(self.inputs) end = perf_counter_ns() * 1e-9 run = end - start if self.infer_failure_point: if run >= self.infer_failure_point: failed += 1 else: completed += 1 else: completed += 1 runs.append(run) total_time_taken += run else: while iterations < self.n_iterations: start = perf_counter_ns() * 1e-9 self.model(self.inputs) end = perf_counter() end = perf_counter_ns() * 1e-9 run = end - start if self.infer_failure_point: if run >= self.infer_failure_point: failed += 1 else: completed += 1 else: completed += 1 runs.append(round(run, 4)) iterations += 1 total_time_taken += run self.runs = runs results_dict = self._make_results_dict( completed, failed, self.runs, total_time_taken ) if print_report: return results_dict
def _make_results_dict( self, completed: int, failed: int, runs: List[float], total_time_taken: float, ) -> dict: "Creates dict of all the stats using info collected from run" total = completed + failed return { "Model": self.model_name, "Success": completed, "Fail": failed, "Took": total_time_taken, "Infer(p/sec)": round(total / total_time_taken, 2), "MaxRun(ms)": self._max_run(runs), "MinRun(ms)": self._min_run(runs), "Std(ms)": self._stdev(runs), "Mean(ms)": self._mean_run(runs), "Median(ms)": self._median_run(runs), "IQR(ms)": self._iqr(runs), "Cores(L)": psutil.cpu_count(logical=True), "Cores(P)": psutil.cpu_count(logical=False), } @staticmethod def _cpu_monitor(target_function): """ Monitors cpu usage of a `target_function`. Not currently in use As psutil requires root access when running a worker process. """ worker_process = mp.Process(target=target_function) worker_process.start() p = psutil.Process( cpu_usage_pc = [] while worker_process.is_alive(): cpu_usage_pc.append(p.cpu_percent()) sleep(0.01) worker_process.join() return cpu_usage_pc
[docs] def report(self, results_dict: dict): """ Prints a report to console based on the values found in `results_dict` Args: results_dict (dict): Dictionary containing compiled stats from a run. """ if self.drop_stats: for drop_key in self.drop_stats: results_dict.pop(drop_key, None) print( tabulate( [results_dict.values()], headers=results_dict.keys(), tablefmt="fancy_grid", numalign="right", ) )
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True, save_location: str = None): """ Creates a simple plot of `self.runs`. Plots run number on the x-axis and run time in milliseconds on the y-axis. Args: show (bool, optional): Whether to show the plot after calling method. Defaults to True. save_location (str, optional): Location to save plot at. If None the plot will not be saved. Defaults to None. Raises: MatplotlibNotInstalledError: Raise if matplotlib is not installed in python environment. ValueError: Raise if the runs have not yet been calculated but `plot` is called. """ try: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: s = "InferenceReport.plot() requires matplotlib to be installed." s += 'To use this method please install by running: pip install "pyinfer[plotting]" ' raise MatplotlibNotInstalledError(s) if self.runs: t = list(range(0, len(self.runs))) ms_runs = [(run * 1000) for run in self.runs] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(t, ms_runs, marker="o") ax.set(xlabel="run", ylabel="run time (ms)") ax.grid() if show: if save_location: plt.savefig(save_location) else: raise ValueError( "self.runs is not yet set, please run the report before plotting." )
def _max_run(self, runs: list) -> float: "Returns max run in milliseconds from `runs`" return max(runs) * 1000 def _min_run(self, runs: list) -> float: "Returns min run in milliseconds from `runs`" return min(runs) * 1000 def _stdev(self, runs: list) -> float: "Returns standard deviation in milliseconds from `runs`" if len(runs) >= 2: return statistics.stdev(runs) * 1000 else: return None def _iqr(self, runs: list) -> float: "Returns interquartile range in milliseconds from `runs`" if len(runs) >= 2: quartiles = quantiles(runs, n=4) return (quartiles[2] - quartiles[0]) * 1000 else: return None def _mean_run(self, runs: list) -> float: "Returns mean run time in milliseconds from `runs`" return statistics.mean(runs) * 1000 def _median_run(self, runs: list) -> float: "Returns median run time in milliseconds from `runs`" return statistics.median(runs) * 1000
[docs]class MultiInferenceReport: "A model agnostic report of inference related stats for any list of callable models"
[docs] def __init__( self, models: List[Callable], inputs: List[Any], n_seconds: Union[int, float, None] = None, n_iterations: int = None, exit_on_inputs_exhausted: bool = False, infer_failure_point: Union[int, float, None] = None, model_names: List[str] = None, drop_stats: List[str] = None, ): """ Args: models (List[Callable]): A list of the callable methods or functions for the models. inputs (List[Any]): The input(s) parameters each of the models receives. If only one input is given then it is assumed each model takes the same shape/type of input and that input will be passed to each model. n_seconds (Union[int, float, None], optional): Number of seconds to run model inferences. If this is `None` it is expected that `n_iterations` will be set. Defaults to None. n_iterations (int, optional): Number of iterations to run model inferences for. If this is `None` it is expected that `n_seconds` will be set. Defaults to None. exit_on_inputs_exhausted (bool, optional): If inputs are a iterable of inputs exit on completion. This feature is not yet implemented. Defaults to False. infer_failure_point (Union[int, float, None], optional): Time in seconds (int or float) at which an inference. is to be considered a failure in the reporting stats. Defaults to None. model_names (List[str], optional): The names to give to the models for the report. Must be the same length as number of models provided. Defaults to None. drop_stats (List[str], optional): List of keys to drop from the report. Defaults to None. Raises: ModelIsNotCallableError: Will raise if the model provided is not callable. NamesNotEqualsModelsLengthError: Will raise if the number of models names does not match the number of model callables provided. MeasurementIntervalNotSetError: Will raise if neither `n_seconds` or `n_iterations` are set. """ for i, model in enumerate(models): if not isinstance(model, Callable): raise ModelIsNotCallableError( f"The model at index {i} is not callable. Please provide a model that has a method call." ) self.models = models if not isinstance(inputs, list): self.inputs = [inputs] else: self.inputs = inputs if len(self.inputs) != len(self.models): self.inputs = [self.inputs[0]] * len(self.models) self.exit_on_inputs_exhausted = exit_on_inputs_exhausted self.infer_failure_point = infer_failure_point self.models_runs = [] self.drop_stats = drop_stats if model_names: if len(model_names) != len(self.models): s = f"Length of model_names is {len(model_names)}, does not equal number of models provided {len(self.models)}. " s += "Please ensure that these lengths are equal if you want to set custom model names. " s += "Otherwise you can leave model_names as None." raise NamesNotEqualsModelsLengthError(s) else: self.model_names = model_names pass else: self.model_names = ["Model " + str(i) for i, _ in enumerate(self.models)] if not n_iterations and not n_seconds: s = "You have not specified either `n_seconds` or `n_iterations`." s += " Please specify a valid measurement interval." raise MeasurementIntervalNotSetError(s) if n_iterations and n_seconds: s = f"You have set both `n_seconds={n_seconds}` and `n_iterations={n_iterations}` " s += f"only one can be specified per instance. Defaulting measurement interval to `seconds={n_seconds}``" warnings.warn(s) self.n_seconds = n_seconds self.n_iterations = None else: self.n_seconds = n_seconds self.n_iterations = n_iterations self.terminated = False
[docs] def run(self, print_report: bool = True) -> List[dict]: """ Runs the multi inference report for `self.models` with input(s) `self.inputs` Args: print_report (bool, optional): If true a table representation of the report will be printed to console. Defaults to True. Returns: List[dict]: A list of dictionaries containing all the report stats created during the run for each model callable. """ results = [] for i, (model, _input) in enumerate(zip(self.models, self.inputs)): report = InferenceReport( model=model, inputs=_input, n_seconds=self.n_seconds, n_iterations=self.n_iterations, infer_failure_point=self.infer_failure_point, model_name=self.model_names[i], drop_stats=self.drop_stats, ) results.append( self.models_runs.append(report.runs) if print_report: return results
[docs] def report(self, results_list: List[dict]): """ Prints a report to console based on the values found in `results_list` Args: results_list (dict): A list of dictionaries containing compiled stats from the runs. """ print( tabulate( [results_dict.values() for results_dict in results_list], headers=results_list[0].keys(), tablefmt="fancy_grid", numalign="right", ) )
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True, save_location: str = None): """ Creates a simple plot of `self.models_runs`. For each run it plots run number on the x-axis and run time in milliseconds on the y-axis. Args: show (bool, optional): Whether to show the plot after calling method. Defaults to True. save_location (str, optional): Location to save plot at. If None the plot will not be saved. Defaults to None. Raises: MatplotlibNotInstalledError: Raise if matplotlib is not installed in python environment. ValueError: Raise if the model_runs have not yet been calculated but `plot` is called. """ try: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: s = "InferenceReport.plot() requires matplotlib to be installed." s += 'To use this method please install by running: pip install "pyinfer[plotting]" ' raise MatplotlibNotInstalledError(s) if self.models_runs: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set(xlabel="run", ylabel="run time (ms)") ax.grid() for i, runs in enumerate(self.models_runs): t = list(range(0, len(runs))) ms_runs = [(run * 1000) for run in runs] plt.plot(t, ms_runs, marker="o", label=self.model_names[i]) plt.legend() if save_location: plt.savefig(save_location) else: raise ValueError( "self.models_runs is not yet set, please run the report before plotting." ) if show: